Wednesday, May 27, 2020

new dates!

To be honest, I have had the new timeline for over a week but everything has been so crazy, I haven't updated the blog.  Also, I have learned that nothing is promised in this world of infertility and I don't want to get my hopes up.  Last time around I was so damned excited and just knew we were on track, until COVID came along.  Drum roll please...the new date of transfer is July 20th.  

On another note, while I am not really losing weight, truly bouncing around from 180-185 on any given day, I have never been a wearer of shorts.  I have always hated them, my legs are so ugly!  Being out on the boat at my parents' made me realize that leggings are not conducive to fishing in the bay in the hot weather.  I took an old pair of sweatpants, cut them off, and looked super trashy, but it worked in a pickle.  I went ahead and ordered some shorts when I got home and grabbed some at goodwill.  The shorts that fit are the 14s!  Keep in mind a year and a half ago, I was in size 24 pants!  Now, with this progress, I have to just keep it going! 

1 comment:

  1. So excited to learn about your new transfer date! I know it has been a long and often frustrating wait; it's great you have a date back in play....
    And though not as exciting in the great scheme of things, I am so very proud of your weight loss and decrease in short sizes. What an amazing change! For what it's worth, I don't know anyone who thinks they look great in shorts :o)! Happy--and comfortable--fishing! xoxo
