Monday, June 1, 2020

challenging myself

For the past several months, I have struggled to lose anymore weight.  The last time I weighed in at SGF, at the end of January, which prompted the shared risk program approval, I was at 185.8.  I have hovered over 180 ever since - going from 188-177.  I am thankful that even if I were to go back up above 190, it doesn't matter, but my plan is to get in the healthiest stop possible so that there is less weight gain to eventually lose after this baby gets here.

I saw a facebook post this weekend of another mom friend that had recently won a weight loss challenge.  Competition?  How do I sign up!?  I looked into it.  Running from today through July 31st, the person that loses the most pounds wins.  Everyone pays $10, weighs in each week to show progress, and winner takes all.  I asked if the win was done by pounds loss or percentage of body weight.  Back when I was pushing 300 pounds, I would have wanted it by pounds of course, but now that I am healthier I was hoping to hear that the winner was determined via percentage.  Regardless, this challenge crowns the winner with the biggest pound loss.  Who cares?!?  I can still win it!  

Here goes nothing!  Weighing in on a Monday is also awful - the weekends are always my worst eating habits with very little exercise.  I have to start somewhere right?  My goal would be to be at 165 for transfer, which gives me 2 months to lose 22 pounds.  This is really lofty, but if I could even get close to 170, I am extremely happy with that.  I also want Dr. Nair to see that I am continuing to work on everything despite reaching the BMI goal for the surrogacy.  

Let the games begin!

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