Wednesday, June 30, 2021

back at it!

Finally, I am starting to feel better all of the time!  I am so thankful that I hit 50 miles walking this month. 51.82 To be exact!  During the first trimester it was super difficult just feeling yucky and my lack of energy.  Then, when COVID hit, there was no way I could get out there in the morning.  Hopefully, this month I won't gain as much weight and can continue to be on a good cadence for my walks!  For those of you keeping up with the house stuff, everything is a disaster, but I am trying not to focus on it.  No stress is worth this baby's health to be compromised.  I pray that all will end well, whenever that may be.  

For the record, this little one is a wiggle worm - keeping me on my toes and up some nights!  I'll take it, though!

Monday, June 21, 2021

a healthy babe

This morning we had the exciting twenty week ultrasound!  Phillip is traveling and Bethany is in NoVA tending to their sick puppy, so it was the plan to have them join via FaceTime.  They also asked if Maria (Phillip's mom) could join.  I was happy to have her there with me!  Since Phillip's sister is also in the states from Argentina, she came as well - it was a party.  A little weird since I had never met his sister before, but what do I care - let's make it a family affair!

I got into the ultrasound room a couple of minutes early, before Maria and Beth arrived.  Once they arrived there was really no formal meeting, just here'

s my big belly out for all to see!  The ultrasound technician would not allow for Bethany and Phillip to be on FaceTime during the initial few minutes of the scan just in case there wasn't good news to share.  I was able to video that part of the ultrasound to send them later.  Once given the go-ahead, everyone was on the call and watching.  It was beautiful.  Sweet little thing has a strong heartbeat of 152 and is measuring right on track!  The tech went through all of the organs the best she could.  Since baby is breeched and face down, there was not the ability to get good views of the heart or face.  There is no reason to suspect any issues there, but it does mean that we will need another ultrasound at 24 weeks to try and confirm no issues lie in those areas.

At one point a really insensitive comment was made and it made me super uncomfortable, but I think it was handled well.  Just when I think I understand the family dynamics, I am thrown a curveball - none of my beeswax, but uncomfortable nonetheless.

Dr. C. confirmed that everything looked good and she has no concerns.  I asked about potentially scheduling a cesarean earlier than 39 weeks to alleviate additional family issues, but apparently, that is not an ethical practice in the birthing world.  What we can possibly do is have an ultrasound closer to then to see if it is necessary to take the baby earlier or not.  Thus, we were put on the calendar for 1230pm October 29th!  Surgery is scheduled!  It makes it all so real!

Even though I have been feeling the baby move like crazy, I haven't been able to see the movements from the exterior.  Well, this was substantiated when Dr. C said that I have an anterior placenta.  All this means is that the placenta is at the front of my belly.  It really has no bearing on any health concerns and can happen quite often.  I think the most important part is that it is not blocking the cervix at all.  

All in all, a wonderful day to celebrate!  

Thursday, June 10, 2021

a new focus

I have had some time to wrap my head around what I am going to help with for the baby shower and I cannot be more excited!  I am going to be in charge of some of the favors - right up my alley.  This will give me the opportunity to use some of my creativity and also bestow gifts on others, all to celebrate Bethany, Phillip, and their sweet baby!  I have longed for the shower for a couple of years now - thinking of what it will look like, how I'll meet so many people, and how we will all be there for one purpose - one that has been way too long in the making.

On the other hand, I have to keep in mind that I have a million other things going on right now.  I am not being too quick to gobble up supplies as there's no sense in having to move those, too, later in the month.  Regardless, it gives me so much joy just to be a part of the shower!  

This afternoon Maria stopped by and brought us supper.  Another amazing BBQ meal that will feed us for another couple of days!  We did get some unfortunate news about storing boxes and/or renting the new house.  The lady is just not comfortable and while we have been preparing based upon good faith offers, we have to take a step back and go to plan B.  I am not sure what that plan entails yet, but I am not ready to give up just yet.  I understand they  have difficulty trusting us, but we are good people.  I am tired and frustrated.  Maybe today's news is a way to make me slow down.  Alternatively, this is probably a test from God to realize it is all in his hands and I need not worry (yeah right, that's not in my nature).  In the mean time, I will continue to be thankful for everything we have going on, trust God, and keep a little hope that the sellers will change their mind in the next several days to make the transition so much easier on us.  

Back to focusing on the shower details to get my mind off of the move!

Monday, June 7, 2021

all the meals

I spent most of yesterday packing things around the house into small, manageable boxes that we can hopefully move into the new garage later this week.  On top of that, Christen had reminded me she was bringing supper for us.  She and I had a nice visit this morning and the family had a delicious BBQ supper this evening!  I don't know what we'd do without everyone being so quick to bring food so often.  I literally have not cooked in weeks and it has been such a huge help.

With the impending move, plus Gregory's birthday (among others) coming up, we've got a busy few weeks.  I hope that everything goes smoothly but I have to remember to trust God no matter what and keep my eye on the real prize, this sweet little thing I am carrying.

Saturday, June 5, 2021

exercising my mind

Yesterday morning it was raining and this morning I haven't felt well.  I must say there is something to be said for the exercising, even if it isn't my old routine.  I have had a headache since early yesterday and am having trouble breathing here and there.  We were set to go to my cousin's today and the kids were excited so I didn't want to disappoint them - on we went.  I am so thankful - at least when I have something to focus on, I am able to forget how crummy I feel.  

We went to a little beach in Mathews before heading to my cousin's house for their cookout.  It was hot as the dickens but very nice.  I was so embarrassed that at one point I had to walk in the house to use the bathroom and I could barely breathe just getting inside.  It was not a long walk - that is just the random difficulty these days.  I pray that this shortness of breath continues to get better over time!

We saw old friends and met new ones today - it was nice.  A couple from Philly was there and they were as nice as they could be and I shared this journey with them.  The gentleman, a pediatric anesthesiologist was blown away and the wife, a teacher, started to devote her time to playing with the kids so I didn't lift a finger.  It was a village there with the children for sure.  By the time we had left, we were beat but it was a nice time.  Since we got in the car with max ac, this little one in my belly has been moving non-stop!

I will make it a priority to get out and walk tomorrow - I have to.

Wednesday, June 2, 2021

feeling amazing!

By amazing, I mean thousands of times better than I have in the past few weeks but still not 100%.  I think that it has been so difficult that even the smallest, incremental improvements mean more than ever.  I went for another walk yesterday and again this morning.  It makes no sense, but I swear this is helping me feel so much better.  I have not had any Tylenol in almost 36 hours!  The headaches have been very minimal and I am not out of breath all of the time!  

Steve and Cheryl brought a couple of suppers over tonight so we are good on meals for quite some time.  Delicious ones at that!  It felt so strange to say how wonderful I am feeling, but even more strange to attribute that to my morning exercise.  Even though the exercise isn't my normal - doing about 2-2.5 miles in the morning, it seems to be priming my lungs for the day.  Does it matter, no, but I try to understand it.  I am just so happy and thankful to be feeling better.  It gets old to tell people that you feel crummy.  After a while, I just wanted to lie - no one wants to hear that crap!  Now, I can shout from the rooftops that I truly am feeling so much better and my recovery is taking a turn!  What a relief, physically and emotionally!