Wednesday, April 8, 2020

His plan

This week I had the wonderful opportunity to chat with Bethany.  It has been a while since we've touched base and it was so nice to hear her voice.  We caught up on everything.  I could tell she was a little down due to COVID and the pause - who isn't?  I have to keep in mind that I have only been on this journey for 8 months or so - they have been on it for years.  The hits keep coming, several they experienced before I was in the picture.  They have to be feeling so distraught like nothing will ever come to fruition.  I know it my heart, though, it will, in due time.

Even if we were moving forward with the original timeline, it wouldn't be good for anyone.  For me, I have been focusing a ton of my efforts on the yard, which has led me to awful poison ivy all over.  Prednisone is NOT my friend.  I am eating everything in sight and am just a bitch to deal with.  I can't imagine taking this on top of the hormone meds to prepare for the transfer.  Plus, life is stressful.  Two kids at home.  Jacob and I are ready to claw our eyeballs out all while I am trying to put in normal hours for work.  It is tough, but it is pretty cool at the same time (I have to keep telling myself that).  We are baking a ton for anyone that will eat our cookies - dropping them off at neighbors' houses during walks and just doing our part to shed a little light on this awful situation.

Stress is never good for a conception, IVF or not, so I am thankful we are on pause.  That doesn't mean I don't want to get a new timeline ASAP, but still, this would not have been the best time for us to move forward.

As I was speaking with Bethany, I also mentioned the fact that if we were proceeding, I would probably have to go to all appointments alone.  That is NOT at all how either of us want this to happen.  I would feel awful if they weren't there and they would be missing out on critical parts of this next chapter.  So, we have to keep in mind that this is God's plan and he is making it perfect for us - just what we need.  I also received this quote in an email from Shady Grove, which made me happy.  I sent it to Bethany, too.

Hang in there, my friends.  We will overcome this, too!

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