Wednesday, March 25, 2020

mandatory quarantine

I alluded to many stressors in the past few weeks.  Let me tell you about the one I have been dealing with for a week now.  The most important part of this story is that we are all fine.

I often get to spend quality time with my dear friend at Westminster Canterbury.  When I went Monday, March 9th, I had no idea what was to come.  The following Monday it came out in the press that someone at WC was diagnosed with COVID.  My thoughts immediately went to "what if."  Well that scenario, while very low risk, played out.  The health department called Tuesday to confirm that I needed to be on mandatory quarantine for another week, to ride out the 14 days.  Thankfully, I was displaying no symptoms, but would check my temperature several times a day and call them back should I get any of the tell-tale symptoms.

What a week it was.  I couldn't go anywhere.  I had to order groceries in.  I love going to the grocery store - it is like a game to me to get the best deals and still eat balanced.  I keep our freezers stocked when meat goes on sale and the pantry usually has far too many snacks, which I try to stay away from.  Like I said, I had to order groceries - no seeing our favorite 6 am friends at the grocery store.  When I started making the list, I told Jacob that he would have to go.  Much to his chagrin, but with great understanding he complied.  Then, I figured that amidst the quarantine and everything else maybe I would just order them.  Arguments over him not getting the right things on the list have gotten pretty heated in past years and we just don't cross that bridge anymore unless absolutely necessary.  So, I went to order and just have him pick up.  I suppose everyone else in Mechanicsville had the same idea.  There were no times to pick up available.  Thus, I opted for the delivery.  It killed me to pay the fees/tips, but I knew it was the safest option. 

I must say, I was really pleased.  Was it worth the extra $25, I am not sure (much of that was a tip, which helped me realize I was paying it forward a little and that helped a lot).  It was worth my sanity and no arguments in the household over the wrong product/price/etc.

I was able to get off of my mandatory quarantine yesterday and have since gone back to the grocery store for a quick trip.  I must say it is so different.  There are a ridiculous amount of people there at 7 am when it opens.  Their hours have changed and I was typically a 6 am gal, so that is frustrating too.  All in all, it wasn't bad, but I wasn't going after toilet paper and cleaning supplies either.  It was great to see a few of our favorite Kroger friends, too.  Just the little interaction helped my mood.

I say all of this because we are fine.  None of us had any symptoms.  However, this whole experience stopped me in my tracks.  I am not sure I was taking the whole self quarantine seriously until I had to.  Since then, I am much more cognizant of every step I take and how I could infect others or be infected at any given time.  That dose of reality was probably the best thing that could have happened to me, honestly.  I think this helped me come to the realization that now is not the right time to proceed with the surrogacy.  It will happen, in time, when there is less chance for extra unknowns.

1 comment:

  1. Thinking of you, love. Prayers for whatever lies ahead. God bless. ♥️
