Tuesday, March 1, 2022

2 days/2 wins

I didn't see that coming!

Jacob and I both went and toured different daycares yesterday morning.  We liked them both and it is a little relief to know we have options.  By the time I had gotten out of my tour, I had been playing phone tag with a counselor that I left a message with last week.  She is willing to see not just Meade, but BOTH kids, in two weeks!  What?  Is this real?  I don't know but I am taking it as a huge win!

I met with Meade, her teacher, and the lead teacher yesterday afternoon via Zoom.  Not ideal, but I will take it.  I greeted Meade with a big smile and asked how her day was going.  She said good and was smiling back.  I asked her teacher to confirm or tell me the real story, which she would not do because Meade was right there.  That is what this is about, lady!  Get it out in the open!  Let her be accountable for her shitty behavior.  Come on!

The conversation was then led by the lead teacher with mostly information.  Then, the lead teacher turned to "play" with Meade so that the teacher and I could talk without Meade in the mix.  Very counter-productive of the entire reason for the meeting, but I knew I wasn't going to get anywhere fast.  A million more reasons of why Meade isn't a good fit.  Thanks, noted.  Now what?  Well, they are going to send her home with a piece of paper each day with the classroom rules.  Check marks for what she followed and highlights for where we need improvements.  Two weeks to see improvement or then she needs to be removed.  

Meade came home yesterday with four checks and four items highlighted.  I could definitely envision worse.  Today, Meade came home with ALL checks and a big smiley face and a WOW!  See, she CAN do it!  Another HUGE win!  I'll take all I can get at this point and was so happy I started crying and Meade definitely didn't understand that.  Oops.  No school tomorrow, Wednesday, so who knows what Thursday and Friday will bring.

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