Tuesday, March 24, 2020

inevitable "pause"

Yesterday we received the call that I think we were expecting.  Part of me didn't want anything to mess up the schedule and I was set to start meds tomorrow, so we should be good, right?  Unfortunately (or fortunately) no.  Kim called and left a voicemail to say that with COVID and all of the uncertainty, they were not allowing anyone to start meds for an upcoming transfer.  Everything was on "pause" for now.  Understood.  There really is no data to guide physicians with pregnancy and the corona virus.  That must be scary for the doctors and I understand that there is no reason to take risks if everything can just be pushed back a little bit.  While Kim said they would reassess in 4 weeks, I seriously doubt that in four weeks we will have a new timeline.

In processing all of this, I surprised myself in being absolutely fine.  I get that there are so many unknowns and what ifs and it makes sense to delay.  This entire journey has been many unknowns.  There is no need to throw more of those wrenches if we don't have to.  Frankly, they say that conception is harder when one is stressed.  While this will not be a natural conception, I imagine that stress even after transfer can potentially lessen the chance of a viable pregnancy.  I have been extremely stressed recently due to work being crazy, having the kids at home, no real social interaction outside of the immediate family, and just trying to figure out our new normal.  I really do feel in my heart that while dealing with the corona virus will continue to be a challenge minute to minute, we will all be a better, safer, stronger society when it can be put behind us.

I spoke with Bethany about the pause and she agreed that she was okay with it.  The most important thing through all of this is our health, especially that of the sweet baby to be. 

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