Friday, December 18, 2020

actions vs. words

With surrogacy, it is obvious that actions speak louder than words.  I have been hearing that all of my life.  However, there are times that words can never be matched.  I learned that this past week as I navigated how to support Adrienne and her family in their grief and honor my dear Ms. Clare.  Flowers die, meals aren't remembered, what could I do?  I decided that I would write a letter to Adrienne to reflect on my time with her mother and detail some of the things she had taught me over the years.

When I dropped that letter off one morning, I was not prepared for how it would be received.  Several times this week, I have been called and texted to say that my words are what will be remembered for years to come.  I cried and cried writing that letter, but I felt that it was important.  It was part of my healing process and hopefully it would help Adrienne in hers.  I happened to have Friday off and asked if I could visit.  I sat in her beautiful home for a couple hours as we reminisced and we talked about some of the things I had written.  It was nice to be together and smile despite the sadness that surrounded our time.

It is amazing to me how our relationships have blossomed over the years and the fact that I will never let my and Adrienne's friendship waver just because her mom is no longer on this earth.  I learned an even bigger lesson through this experience, reflections on paper can sometimes be the greatest gift of all.  Rest in peace, my coach, my spitfire, my Ms. Clare.

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