Wednesday, December 30, 2020


At my parents yesterday, my period started.  I was sure to let Kim know as soon as possible.  She let me know that with this news, everything with the timeline sent earlier this month is right on track.  I am to start birth control in a few days and then proceed with additional meds as time comes.  Unfortunately, Jacob and I have to get our bloodwork done again to ensure there are no infectious diseases that could potentially pass along to a baby.  It drives me nuts because it is just another thing for Bethany and Phillip to have to pay for.  This will be the third time getting the lab work done - they have to be redone every six months.  

Kim, our nurse, also let me know that she had sent all of my prescriptions to the pharmacy.  I responded that I was not going to get anything filled because I still have plenty of everything from the last go-round.  

Here we go again!  Let's do this!

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