Sunday, December 13, 2020

clare's glasses

I woke up early this morning to bake a bunch of cookies for gifts.  I made sure that I baked a tray to take back to the hospital this evening as I was planning to beg Adrienne for more time with the two of them.  Little did I know that during my baking Ms. Clare was passing over into heaven.  When Adrienne reached out with the information that only her spirit remains, it hit me like a ton of bricks.  I was overwhelmed with sadness but more importantly, joy.  Joy that I was able to spend so much time with Ms. Clare and that we seemed to truly get each other.

Maybe I will write more about Ms. Clare later as I feel as though I entered her life as hired help and she left my life as a quite life coach.  A mentor that provided me with more lessons on the truly important things that can be explained.  As I think about different situations, I am going to try to see them through "Clare's glasses" as the perspective she provided is one I can get no where else.  I will forever cherish this lady, our time, and the mentor that she has proven to be.  Boy am I blessed to have forged the beautiful friendship I did with Ms. Clare and share this journey with her.  She will always be in my heart and I know she fully supports each of us, even though her initial reaction was one in which her eyes said "you are nuts."  She is still right, I am nuts, but I wouldn't trade my crazy on this ride for the world.  I am so happy that I was able to also share it with her.

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