Thursday, September 3, 2020

prepping for the MVA

Lisa, a nurse from VCU called later this afternoon to go over my meds with me and ensure that I was ready for tomorrow.  She gave me the number to call when I got there so that the room was prepped and I would spend as little time as possible in the waiting area.  Tonight, I have to take antibiotics and nausea medicine to heed off any issues from the first meds.  Tomorrow, when I get there, I have to put an Ativan in my cheek and let that set in.  Also, Motrin was prescribed for pain afterwards.  I asked if I could take it proactively and Lisa said absolutely.  Crazily enough, Lisa also told me that the number she called on was her work cell phone and she will be there for any additional questions I have at any time.  This was really nice to know.

Jacob’s mother and her beau came over and brought supper to us.  It was so nice to have a fresh salad, delicious pizza and amazing brownies.  Most of all, it was nice to have the company.  I had to run out in the middle and grab Gregory from daycare (he had to stay late for the little ceremony that we could not attend).  Our village around here is so wonderful and Barbara has been more than supportive since day one.  I am so glad that we could get together and catch up!

So far, this evening has gone well.  As far as pain, it was minimal (with the exception of some crazy cramps earlier this afternoon) and the bleeding again not much until the evening – but nothing horrible.  We shall see what happens tomorrow! 

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