Friday, September 4, 2020

put a period on it

Today is the day I have been longing for since Sunday.  It is amazing how I wish my life away – I couldn’t wait for transfer, now I cannot wait for this.  Soon enough, I will be super impatient for the next transfer.  It goes on and on I suppose. 

The morning was our normal routine, however, I have taken the day off.  I did a few things for work and then called it a day.  I baked cookies and prepared a few things for a night away at my parents tonight.  Alison (my aunt and Godmother) was to come at 845 for the 940 appointment.  Alison was nervous to go in so I asked if she had to or if I just had to have someone drive me home.  That is all I needed.  I headed up to the Nelson Clinic and Alison went to her office to get some work done.

Once there, I had to fill out some additional paperwork and waited for a few minutes.  I put the Ativan in my cheek and started to get loopy.  Sandra, a sweet nurse, took me back and got my vitals.  In no time, I was in the procedure room accompanied by another wonderful nurse, Laurie.  A medical resident, Dr. Crutchfield came in and got some more information and explained to me the procedure that would take place.  Check out all of these items that I would soon have to endure!

Dr. Crutchfield returned with Laurie and Dr. Nelson (that was overseeing everything and doing the ultrasound (externally) to watch the procedure and ensure nothing was left behind.  It was pretty cool to see what they were doing.  As I figured I had passed everything – how could there be more? – I was shown that the gestational sac still remained.  The speculum was inserted, all was good.  Until I got the shot.  Holy shit did that shot of lidocaine into my uterus hurt like hell!  I tensed up and then my head started feeling strange.  I didn’t feel like I was going to pass out, but I asked if this was normal.  Dr. Nelson said that some people do feel the lidocaine in their head, which was strange, but not abnormal.  Also, she mentioned that many people get a metallic taste in their mouth.  How in the heck a shot in the uterus can make one taste something is beyond me, but oh well.  Then came another shot.  Thankfully, I didn’t feel that one.  The catheter was inserted and they were on my way for the MVA (Manual Vacuum Aspiration).  From what I have been told this is the procedure that is often given at Planned Parenthood for abortions.  I didn’t care.  We knew the embryo was no longer viable and I just wanted to feel better.  If this meant it was less time consuming and cheaper, I was all in. 

I asked a million questions and both doctors were more than willing to help me understand what was going on.  I love it when the clinicians welcome conversation to help educate dummies like me.  They were probably trying to keep me distracted, too.  Oh my gosh, then the pain started coming.  I begged them to stop, but they didn’t.  This was the vacuum getting all of the “conception material.”  The extreme pain literally only lasted 30 seconds or so but oh man did it hurt!  Then, they were done!  That was it?  I couldn’t believe it!  This is what they were able to remove.

From a conversation I had with Lisa yesterday, I learned that my insurance approved cytogenetic testing, which is great.  We will be able to understand from the conception material if there was any genetic abnormality with the embryo.  While I don’t think it will much matter with the two embryos that remain, it will be good to have the information, if there is any. 

I had to wait about 30 minutes for my vitals to be taken and then I was on my way.  I had texted my aunt and when I walked outside, she was on the corner waiting for me.  On the way back, I asked her to stop so I could get a diet coke and home I went!  I was still pretty loopy from the medicine so I laid down and took a little nap. 

I was told that if I bled more than 2 heavy pads an hour or had a fever of 100.4 (infection) I needed to get back to the ER.  More cramping and bleeding will be had over the next week or so and that is normal.

Jacob and I are on our way down to my parents house with the kids and frankly, I feel a ton better already!  Who knew?  If only I could have experienced this relief a little sooner.

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