Wednesday, February 17, 2021

quick and easy

I was to go upstairs at 9 and my transfer appointment was at 930.  I went upstairs at 9 - still no call from Kim or anyone affiliated with the embryo - thank goodness!  I was called back within 10 minutes - I only had time to read three different devotionals to get me grounded.  

Dr. Nair was in quickly and there were no issues, other than the embryologist not hearing us when we were ready for the embryo.  So, waited maybe two minutes at that time in which Dr. Nair said it is actually good to allow the catheter to settle a little bit.  Another item that made the transfer go a little slower (but a non-issue), was that Dr. Nair had a difficult time getting the catheter through the cervix at first.  She tried a few times and then let up on the speculum a little bit.  Apparently the speculum is what was causing a little barrier but once she eased up on that, all was good to go!  The embryo was transferred with no problem and the embryologist confirmed that it is now in my uterus - not still in the delivery tube (I have no idea what that is actually called, but here's my totally technical guess).  

As my kids say a lot these days (must be going around the schools) - "easy peasy lemon squeezy!"  Below is the video of the transfer.  It is only twenty seconds and shows the ultrasound of my uterus during the procedure.  You will see a line coming up from the bottom right reaching toward the middle of the screen.  That is the catheter moving further into the uterus.  Once it settles, you will see it move a little further and then a small item shoot from it, hopefully landing in the uterus wall.  That was the embryo!  A long day on the road for an office visit of less than 20 minutes for a procedure less than 20 seconds!  I was out at 932 to give Bethany another big hug and get on the road!

The way home was much like the way up.  Since the entire drive to Maryland I was focusing on me and this journey, I decided that I also needed to incorporate all of my other prayers that do not involve me, but for others in need.  There wasn't too much traffic and I was home by 1145!  Can't beat that!

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