Wednesday, February 17, 2021

riding solo

Yesterday, I went through a million different scenarios of who I could invite to go with me today and honestly started writing texts to ask.  Each time, I deleted those texts - I couldn't get myself to ask anyone.  I knew I would be okay on the road and the last few days have been a whirlwind so having some time to myself seemed like the best option.  Boy am I glad I listened to my heart verses my mind.  I am overly extroverted and want to be around people at all times, but my heart was saying that I needed some downtime.

The ride up this morning was beyond beautiful.  I went to church a lot in college and was even "adopted" by the pastor and his wife as a part of their family in the college program.  They were the most lovely family.  I would have said back then that my faith was strong, but it wasn't - I was merely going through the motions.  However, I had a few worship CDs from back then that I listened to the entire way up - singing my heart out praising God.  Every few minutes, I would look over to my right and see the sun rise coming up through the trees on 95.  It was breathtaking.  During songs I didn't know the words to, I found myself just talking to God, praying for all of us and this journey.  I got up here a couple of minutes ago and just went to go potty and start drinking the water that I have to have before the appointment so my bladder fills adequately for transfer.  

Bethany is on her way.  There has been no call yet to indicate that the embryo was not viable (so I assume it is fine).  I am responding to texts and making a couple of calls, just taking it all in.  I am pretty nervous, which I think is healthy.  I am praying hard that these nerves are justified in that my life is going to be upturned for the next 8-9 months - which is what I so desire.

Thank you for being on this road with me yesterday, today, and tomorrow.

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