Monday, July 26, 2021

6 months!

This morning, we had our 24 week appointment.  They had scheduled a follow up ultrasound because during the one at the 20 week appointment, little gal was not fully cooperating and not all of the views of the heart could be obtained.  We welcomed that as it would be another opportunity for Bethany and Phillip to be there in person to see the baby.  There were so many smiles when they got to see her sweet face and then every other little part of her body.  It was so special to share in their joy.  Everything in the ultrasound went great (so we thought) and we were taken back to then meet with Dr. C.  

I was thrilled to notice that I did not gain any weight last month.  This is a huge relief considering that I had gained almost 10 pounds each of the last two months.  It was really difficult but keeping exercise at the forefront and being mindful about my nutrition made all of the difference.  Just as I learned over the last couple of years, it is isn't that difficult if I have my priorities straight.  Also, all of the moving boxes and back and forth from house to house could have definitely kept me more active than normal.  I hope that I can keep up the weight maintenance and only gain minimally from here on out.

When Dr. C came into the room she suggested there may be a need for further ultrasounds, but wanted to confirm with the fetal cardiologist.  Within seconds, she took a phone call from that individual that confirmed there were a couple of views that we were unable to get today and that I would have to be scheduled for fetal echocardiogram, just to make sure that there are no issues.  While Dr. C did say that she is not concerned, the procedure must be done to rule out any problems.  

The remainder of the appointment went great.  Dr. C is very happy with every bit of progress.  The baby is measuring 25w5 days and we are currently at 25w3d.  Also, she's measuring in the 50th percentile, which is right on track and where she needs to be.  For monitoring purposes, Dr. C asked that I schedule a growth check (another ultrasound) at the 30 week appointment scheduled for September.  The 28 week appointment on the calendar is when I will have to drink that nasty, sugary stuff and then get a lot of bloodwork to rule out gestational diabetes.  It is fun, let me tell you.  The most important thing is to have it ruled out sooner rather than later, though.  If I don't "pass" this test, then I will be subject to a three hour screening, which I have heard is even worse.

We left the appointment happy to know that all is health.  On the way home, VCU called to see if I could come directly there for the echo.  This was really alarming to me.  Dr. C had said that there was no urgency for the scan, but it was necessary.  The lady was super nice but when she told me that the echo could last 2 hours, I knew I needed to get back to work.  I told her I would call her when I got home to schedule the appointment when it worked with both of our calendars.  Fast forward, we got an appointment for August 9th for the fetal echocardiogram.  

All's well that ends well!

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