Saturday, January 25, 2020


I know I have not been updating as much lately.  Frankly, not much is going on.  I continue to take the hormones as directed until we have the saline ultrasound this coming Thursday.

That said, I know I have been distant with many of you over the last few weeks.  I am overwhelmed.  Nothing bad is going on, but work has been super stressful and I feel like every ounce of my being is trying to meet deadlines with tons of extra work thrown in the mix.  I am happy that my leader feels that I can handle so much and she trusts me to get it all done, but it is getting to be a lot. 

In all of this, I have not been who I should be to my family and friends.  I feel as though I am going through the motions to keep it all together, yet failing those around me that I should be reaching out to on a more often basis.  Everyone is so very supportive and I am more than thankful for that.  I know that in due time, this too will pass.  However, for right now, I am tired.  I will do better not to isolate myself and give all I have to Jacob and my children moving forward regardless of all of the external factors that are playing into our lives at this time.

No matter what, my heart is still one hundred percent devoted to this journey.  This week I have been focusing on hitting the gym harder and eating more of a clean diet to get my weight loss back on track and ensure I am appropriately preparing for what lies ahead.  We will get there and I know that in my heart!

Thank you all for bearing with me!  No matter what, the life I live is the most beautiful I ever could have imagined.


  1. I think family and friends know that you have a lot on your plate right now. Don't worry too much about not reaching out and/or feeling you're not giving enough. We understand..... :o).

    1. Thanks, Barb. Sometimes I get in my head and I will do better as time goes on. Your support through all of this has meant the world to all of us! Love you!
