Sunday, February 2, 2020

here we go!

Oh my gosh, what a whirlwind it has been these last few days!  As I listen to the Super Bowl in the other room, I cannot believe we are here and I am writing this.  This journey has been difficult but I wouldn't change anything.  I have had time to reflect and learn so much about myself while becoming great friends with Bethany and Phillip.

So, why is this a big post?  You know we got approved to proceed, which is AMAZING!  Still have those 3 (well, 2.4) pounds to lose, but I'm not worried about that - I got it!  Tonight, B/P shared that they chose their donor!  Why is this so huge - because that means we are set to jump right in and figure out the med schedules and when approximate transfer will be!  The best part about all of this is that the donor they chose was already matched with two sets of intended parents.  This means that with Bethany and Phillip being the third, there is no waiting for other couples to jump on the bandwagon. 

Even sweeter is the donor that was chosen.  This gal, who has many of the same physical characteristics of Bethany is the person that they chose to get eggs from when they tried their own round of IVF.  When they started looking back at the profiles a few weeks ago, they were overjoyed to see that she was available again.  When they looked again last week, she was still out there, but still had zero matches.  Yesterday they took another look and she had TWO sets of intended parents matched, only needing a third to proceed!  What?!  God works in mysterious ways, for sure! 

Me, being the super impatient one, was stopped in my tracks.  Holy shit, this is happening, this is really happening!  There is no we have to wait for other matches before we proceed.  There is no waiting a month just in case no one else chooses the same donor.  "The art of waiting" is behind us for now.  For now.  Once we get pregnant, those 40 weeks are another stress and waiting game.

So, I expect a call from Stephanie today to tell me where to go with my meds since I am on day 3 of my period.  At that time, I will see if she has any idea of a timeline since the donor has been chosen.  Is it crazy that the person that wanted this done yesterday is now super nervous because everything is coming to fruition?  Crazy, maybe.  I'm just that complicated.

1 comment:

  1. So happy to hear this very good news, and to be able to catch up with all the details here. Excited for you all....!
