Thursday, February 20, 2020

simple acknowledgement

Last night our family had the bittersweet opportunity to support Nana and her boyfriend (that we adore) at the funeral home while his family accepted friends to share condolences for his mother’s passing.  I took the chance of getting out to dress nicely (the ladies at day care pretty much know that when I am in a dress, it is funeral related).  With a little make up, a dress I had gotten over the holidays and a pair of boots, I felt confidence I’m not sure I have ever experienced.

Everyone there was lovely.  Nana took me around to all of the family and introduced us.  She mentioned how great I looked but I brushed it off.  So many people mention the weight loss now, but I sometimes fail to recognize it myself and I take their words as just the nice and proper thing to say.

When I woke up this morning, I had the most kind message from Nana that explicitly said “ I was so proud and happy to introduce you, Jake, and my incredibly beautiful grands to everyone. And you look absolutely amazing.”  I had to read that second sentence many times and let it sink in.  Life is good, we are happy, and I’m the healthiest I have ever been.  I have this journey to thank for that.

Also, a few weeks ago, I was caught off guard by an out of the blue message that made my day.  One of my oldest friends from growing up, with whom I’m not super close to anyone (but it is safe to say that if either of us needed anything, the other would be there in a heartbeat) reached out to me with this... “I hope you’re doing well today!  I am so proud to know you!”  Again such a humbling statement and one that put everything into perspective.  I guess I’m more proud to be her friend.

It is little, unsolicited gestures that really make an impact.  I challenge each of you (and myself)  to do the same more often.  We never know the smiles we can create on a whim with a few simple words.

1 comment:

  1. So sorry it took me forever to read's been a crazy couple of weeks :o(! I am so glad my words resonated with you. We are always so proud of you....your journey and the subsequent weight loss is just one aspect of that wonderful walk...albeit a very visible one. Thank you for your support last week, and always~xoxo
