Tuesday, June 30, 2020

gaining perspective

I was finally able to chat with Kim, our wonderful nurse, today.  She helped me to better understand what the lab work indicated as far as ovulation and that these first results happen often.  Basically, even though I am on the Lupron, my body was still trying to ovulate due to the cessation of the hormone pills.  The good news is that even though the progesterone was high, I am probably on the down swing of that ovulation and she expected that my progesterone would be back to the baseline (where it needs to be) tomorrow.  

I also asked her many of the "what ifs."  What if my bloodwork isn't ideal again?  The good thing here is that the donor doesn't begin her medications until July 3rd.  So, if this is the case, we will continue on the larger dose of Lupron, not start the Estrace yet, and go back for more bloodwork/ultrasound Thursday.  This quieted my nerves a little.  There is still wiggle room and she confirmed that - thank God!

What if on Thursday I am still not where I need to be?  This is the worst case scenario and although unlikely, it just means that if everything continues on schedule with the donor the embryos will need to be frozen and thawed, delaying the transfer date 1-2 weeks.  Okay, again, this will be okay.  While not ideal as Bethany and Phillip lost 80% of their embryos during the last thaw, we could still work with it.

Lastly, I asked about if Bethany can go with me to the transfer as of right now.  Due to COVID, it is unlikely she will be able to attend.  This flat out stinks.  We want to be there together.  Of course, we can be with each other before and after, if it works out, but it is a little disheartening.

We will take the hits as they come and none at this point will be enough to quit.  We are on our way and we will get there!!!

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