Friday, June 26, 2020

unsatisfactory bloodwork

Never did I think that bloodwork would be the first hurdle, but here we are!  Apparently, my progesterone levels are too high, which is an indication of ovulation, which is exactly what the Lupron injections are working to prevent.  From what I have learned, the Lupron is putting my body into a fake menopause, hence the night sweats!  

When DeNita called me yesterday afternoon I didn't know what to think.  What does this mean moving forward?  How does that happen?  Can we remedy it?  Isn't getting off of active birth control pills and starting your period supposed to make one ovulate?

I was brought off the ledge quickly.  Apparently this happens often.  They want progesterone levels now so that we are more apt to have a higher level at the time of transfer.  At this point, there is no need to worry about the currently scheduled transfer date.  Instead, I have to stay on the higher dosage of Lupron and wait to start Estrace until word is received from the nurse about an extra scheduled bloodwork and ultrasound visit next Tuesday.  I am curious to know what the course will be if it continues to happen, but I will cross that bridge when we get there.  Despite being a little discouraged because it isn't ideal, we will get through this, too!

I finally got to talk through it with Bethany today.  I didn't want her to be disappointed or let her down, but we are always transparent with one another.  I was surprised to hear that she was not concerned at all!  Above and beyond that, it was so nice just to chat with her.  It had been so long!  Hearing her voice calmed me immediately.  I am so glad I am here, with them, through all of this!  

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