Sunday, June 28, 2020

something in the water

Somehow, someway, we find the right spots in life.  I am in mine, with my family, during this time.  The water just adds that much extra to it all.  Boy am I the luckiest gal in the world!

Y'all sometimes it is hard to fathom all I have been blessed with in this crazy ride called life.  My parents, two of my best friends in the whole world, realized their dreams and moved to the water in Northumberland, VA in December of 2018.  Since that time, they were able to sell their home, the one I grew up in, in West Point.  While there were many mixed emotions and the thought of them being 1.5 hours away verses the 45 minutes, but it was their dream and not mine.  Of course, we always wanted them to be closer to the water, I just wish they were closer to us.

After the house sold, they were able to buy a nice fishing boat to gallivant the Chesapeake Bay.  Little did I know that their home would quickly become our second home.  Thanks to COVID and the inability to go anywhere, we have taken the kids down there for the majority of the weekends over the last couple months.  The peace that this place brings to my heart is something I didn't realize existed.  
This morning, my dad and I went out for a quick fishing trip before breakfast.  Since Thursday, I have been reeling (no pun intended) over the bloodwork results.  The pictures don't do it much justice, but as we went out the creek, the beauty was breathtaking.  In that moment, I found such a calm and quiet peace within.  As we embarked further into the Bay and the sun was rising, I snapped the second picture.

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