Monday, August 26, 2019

let the research begin

Oh my goodness!  No wonder why people choose not to go this route.  The researching is endless.  Different people have different perspectives, but it is good to see all angles.  It is hard to believe that women really do this to make money, a substantial amount!  When I first reached out to B, I made it clear that I would not accept payment.  It seems like this could get tricky considering we may have to have an agency to represent me.  I sure hope not!  I mean, I could hand my payment to her, but I am sure they take a considerable amount for their fees, which would be really unnecessary.
I have reviewed the requirements on many different surrogate agency sites. It looks like I am not an ideal candidate, but I can get there.  I will not let this let us down.
  1. BMI - well, it needs to be under 32 for most.  That means I need to lose another 60/70 pounds. I can do it and will!
  2. Mental Illness - apparently this may be a stickler. However, mental illness means different things to most everyone.  Yes, I have struggled with depression.  Yes, I combat that with anti-depressants.  Yes, my OBGYN suggested those meds during my other two pregnancies.  What does this mean?  We don't know yet.
  3. Legally - we will need to secure attorneys to represent both of us and protect both of us, which is perfectly normal and we will ensure the right contracts are in place.
  4. Emotionally - will I be able to handle this?  I am thinking I will need some therapy to be sure that I am prepared for the entire process.
  5. Clinical Preparation- oh man!  Meds, injections, monitoring, etc.  So much more than my other pregnancies, but I will persevere through it all!
  6. Clinical Care - can I use my own OBGYN? Do I get 'discharged' from the fertility clinic?  Can I deliver where I choose?  Who knows just yet!?
B/P and I are dividing and conquering on some of the research.  However, this is their game plan that hopefully I will be honored enough to be a part of.  I am going to respect all of their needs while making sure my health is paramount.  Together, my husband and I, along with B/P, have vowed to keep communication at the forefront and open with any issues that may arise.  This will be a LONG journey, but one I am excited to embark on!

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