Monday, August 26, 2019

sharing life

For years and years, I have wanted to make an impact on others.  I work toward this every day through kindness to anyone and everyone, instilling morals and values into my own children to act in the same manner, and looking for ways to better the world around us.
Many moons ago, I watched a few people benefit from organ donation.  I immediately tried to sign up with an organ donation organization just to see if I was ever called upon to be a match.  However, due to my weight, I was rejected.  That was crazy to me.  Wouldn't one think that if I was a match and had the opportunity to provide life to someone else, I would do my utmost to lose weight and make it work?  Knowing that I simply was unable to register was pretty defeating.  I figured that one day, I would try again.  Maybe I still will?
While surrogacy may not be a donation of an organ, it is still the opportunity to donate and share life with other individuals.  My body will be a loving host to a child for 40 weeks in anticipation of allowing another couple to realize their dreams of parenthood.  In this process, I do have weight to lose, but I am more dedicated than ever to make it happen.
I will love this child just as I do my own.  I will sing and read to this baby, allow it to be a part of my family for several months and then hopefully be a part of their family (respecting their parents) for the rest of their lives.  Hopefully my children will play with this child as it ages.  As the world continues to turn, I will have shared life, love, and happiness.  This will satisfy me more than I ever could have imagined.

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