Thursday, September 5, 2019

my children

To fill you in, I have the most precious gifts myself - a four year old boy, Gregory and a two year old girl, Meade.  They are a handful but make my and Jacob's lives complete.  These children teach me more than I could ever try to learn on my own each and every day.  They are crazy, beautiful souls that test me to my limits but provide me the utmost joy.

They are beyond stubborn, just like me - oh the battles we have!  They can be the most loving and sweet, gentle children I have ever experienced.  Their contagious laughter can light up the darkest day.  Gregory is hesitant and fearful most of the time.  Meade is fearless - she is nuts!  They bicker over everything but are always making sure the other is close by - maybe so they can be sure to start the next argument.  They both have a strong will about them that gets so frustrating to even try and reason with.  They love being outside and on rainy days we all get a little miserable.  They live for adventure, always wanting to know what is next and where will we be.  Although very different shades of blue, their eyes pierce anyone they meet in different ways.  Both are simply bad at school some days.  I can overlook the bad.  What bothers me is when they are disrespectful.  Every day is a challenge in some form or another.  Challenges I'd much rather face head on than never get to experience.

They are truly two of a kind - and ours.  We wouldn't have it any other way.  We have our turmoil, we have joys - most of all, we have each other.  This my friends, this experience of parenthood is why I write.  I want to try to help another sweet couple be able to realize the same.

One of Jacob's first questions about this whole endeavor is how will we explain it to the children?  Well, funny he asked.  I also have started to form the right words already and it is not much more than how I talk to them every day on the way to school.  We are part of this world to be kind to others.  If conception happens and my belly begins to grow, I hope they remember one thing, that I was being kind to someone in their time of need.  I was able to offer a safe place for a beautiful baby to grow so two other wonderful people could be parents just like I am to you all.

If my kids grow up to be kind individuals, I think I will have succeeded in the role of being their parent.  If they remember this gesture as they grow old and seek out to also do kind things for others, even if it is just holding a door open, smiling, and having good manners, I am a happy mama.  Maybe it will inspire them to do even more, which will make my heart so very full.

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