Tuesday, December 24, 2019

christmas adam

When our family sat down with Bethany, Phillip, and Phillip's parents - David and Maria - several months ago, they suggested we come to their "Christmas Adam" party.  I love parties so I was all in.  Food for thought - because Adam comes before Eve and Christmas Eve is the 24th, their party is always held on the 23rd.

Jacob and I had discussed getting a sitter, but instead he opted to stay home.  This week is a busy week without a new party to start it off and if it could help Jacob make it through the rest of the festivities to rest at home, I totally understood.

A new event, one that we were going to openly share our journey...I was definitely nervous but more excited.  I didn't think I would know anyone other than Bethany, Phillip and their parents.  I showed up to their beautiful home and had such a warm welcome.  Family members I had never met before shared the best hugs with me!  Before I could get through the foyer, an old, dear friend walked up the steps with her beautiful family.  Sarah and I worked together many moons ago and I always adored her.  We probably hadn't seen each other in ten plus years!  She was just as sweet as ever and it turns out she is David and Maria's next door neighbor - small, small world.

So, I spent the evening meeting tons of new people, eating delicious food, learning the traditions of the party, sharing the story of our journey, and being welcomed by everyone.  I parted with a heart so full.  Everyone there was as lovely as they could be.  The ones that knew that I was going to be their gestational carrier vowed their positive thoughts and prayers throughout the rest of the journey.  Many of us shared how we couldn't wait until next year's party when there would hopefully be a sweet baby to love on.  The entire experience was one that I never could have expected.  It was simply amazing.  The love and beauty in their home was overwhelming.  My heart is happy and I know that we are on this journey with so much more support than I ever could have imagined!

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