Tuesday, December 24, 2019

it's verified - i'm not THAT crazy

I got a call today from Laura, the psychologist.  She prefaced the call that everything is good to go, however, there were some concerning questions/answers we needed to go over.  Uh oh, what does that mean?  She did say everything was fine, but man my head was going a mile a minute!

Laura explained that the 567 question, true/false test came out good and was consistent but there were a few outliers.  This is normal as one can easily fill in the incorrect bubble.  Who wouldn't fuck up a few times on 567 damn questions?  Regardless, she needed to go through those items for me to explain better.  Some of this is kind of comical, so I thought I would share those answers that I provided that didn't jive with what Laura considers "normal."

  • You are a high strung person.  TRUE.  Is that true?  Um, yes, of course it is!  I definitely don't sit still.  I am determined beyond belief.  I have a hard time relaxing.  I work a little bit better under pressure.  So, yes, I do consider myself high strung.
  • You often go to sleep at night with thoughts that bother you.  TRUE.  Well, clearly here, I answered this incorrectly.  There is no explanation other than I filled in the wrong bubble.
  • I see animals, people, and other things that other people do not see.  TRUE.  Here again, I completely shaded the wrong bubble.  It is destined to happen with 567 freaking questions!  Life might be more interesting if this were true, but I guess I am thankful it is not.
  • I feel that strangers have looked at me and judged me.  TRUE.  Absolutely, and unfortunately, we live in a very very judgmental world.  As sad as it is, I have definitely felt that way.  Being obese my entire life, I have often felt this way.  Now, as a mother, I think that people judge my parenting.  Let them all judge - everyone does things differently and while it may not be best for one person, it might be for another.  But, yes, this is totally true.
  • In school, I was sent to the principal's office.  TRUE.  Who hasn't?  While I may have been the trophy child, I am also very stubborn and determined.  When Laura asked why I was sent to the office, I told about the first and the last times:  In kindergarten I was sent because I was dancing on the table during nap time.  As a senior, I was sent because I refused to put my SSN on some stupid survey one of the teachers was doing for another organization.  There were many, many other times in between, but who cares?!
  • I do not blame people for trying to get all they can.  TRUE.  Why would I blame others for getting all they can?  I strive to be and get all I can out of life.  Isn't that what we all should do?  There is a distinct difference in getting what you can and taking advantage.  I do blame others for taking advantage, but that is not what this question was asking.
  • I have been in trouble with the law.  TRUE.  Embarrassingly, yes, this is true.  I got a DUI several years ago, in one of my worst phases of life.  Laura didn't have an issue because we had already discussed the awful time in life as well as the DUI.
  • I have had fainting spells.  TRUE.  Yep, here again, I have fainted.  In college, I went through a couple of years where I probably fainted half a dozen times.  There was never any consistency or reasoning that the doctors could explain.  Thankfully, I have not had this issue since that time in my life.
  • I am easily awakened by noise.  TRUE.  Strange question, but I am a light sleeper.  Not sure why this would be an outlier, but whatever.
These were the ones that Laura wanted to discuss.  What I learned from this is that every question is truly up for to the takers' interpretation.  Who knows how many I actually filled out wrong on my end but were what the "experts" wanted to hear?  No one will ever know!  ;)  Once discussed, Laura found no issues.  All is well and we will go back up to NoVA for our group counseling session next week!

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