Friday, October 4, 2019


What a week it has been.  Meade came home with a fever early on Tuesday.  Since then, I have been juggling my work calendar and the help of the others around us.  It truly takes a village.  Thanks to Jacob's mom, my aunt, and my parents, I have not had to take of a second from work the first three days of her being home.  I am also really, really blessed to have a job that allows me the flexibility to work from home in these situations and the people I engage with understand if there is a little one in the background or if I go MIA for a few minutes.

All of this said, I didn't want to take advantage of anyone.  Everyone has been so willing to help but sometimes we have to take a step back and help ourselves.  When I knew Meade would not be able to go to daycare again today, I asked Jacob if we could tag team it.  I also asked my boss if she would be willing to let me take some last minute PTO.  Thankfully, both agreed. 

I rearranged my calendar at work today so that all my meetings were in the afternoon or pushed out to next week.  The last thing I want is for my amazing manager, who frequently says "family first" to think that I was continually working from home with a little one around that needed my attention.  Jacob will be home this afternoon, taking the afternoon shift.  And, those that have been so gracious to help wouldn't have to be bothered. 

This morning's refresh has been exactly what I needed.  I started the day at the gym even though I didn't really want to go - in fact it took all I had to get out of bed and walk through those doors.  I only did one mile, but just needed a mental break after being up much of the last two nights with Meade.  I sat in the sauna for a little bit to try and relax.  It did help even though I was frustrated that I only got one mile in.  I've got a mileage goal this month and doing one mile a day will not get me there!

I came home to bake cookies for dear friends and figure out what else needed to be done around the house.  I got Jacob off to work with Gregory heading to school.  Meade got up before 7, but was pretty content on her own.  I cleaned up a little and didn't even think about work.  I checked emails a couple of times but it was nice to know that if anyone needed me directly they could call. 

Knowing that I still had a few hours to myself, I finished up a package to send out and had to get it to the post office to arrive at its destination in time.  I am pretty impatient, but had to wait for those darned cookies to cool off before I could seal them up in the box to be sent.  I had no idea what to do but knew I couldn't just sit around. 

So, I figured Meade and I could both use some sunshine.  I put the stroller in the car, left the bag of cookies open, as well as the box, and loaded that, too.  We parked at our gym and took a two mile walk through the new neighborhood down the street.  It was so nice to just relax a little bit and think of a dear friend of mine since high school/college/thereafter that lost his mother yesterday.  Literally, one of the most kind ladies I had ever met and she was always the same person.  I just adored her.  I thought of Momma Nance a lot on my walk and while I am pretty sad, I know my friend, his wife, and their precious child due in a few weeks will be okay as they have the most beautiful angel watching over them.

After our walk, we headed to the post office and are now back home.  I have showered, cleaned up some more and started laundry.  I am blessed, so blessed.  I am so lucky to have all of those I love that make up my village and support me in everything I do.  I am so thankful to have pretty healthy children, despite the virus/infection here and there.  We are so grateful to have kids that sleep through the night, every night, except in instances of sickness.  Boy am I tired, but I am more than blessed.

I have to start my work day in a little bit, but this is a glimpse into my crazy, beautiful world. 

When I started counting my blessings, my whole life turned around."  - Willie Nelson

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