Monday, April 5, 2021

holy poop

Never did I think my life would revolve around poop.  I suppose I have always taken for granted a consistent pooping regimen, even with my additional iron supplement over the last 20ish years.  I have come to realize that my misery over the last several weeks directly correlates to the fact that I am not going to the bathroom for several days at a time.  I have researched and reached out to Kim.  While googling states that there are many safe methods to help use the bathroom, my nurse has basically said that I need to focus on water intake in addition to a fiber rich diet.  She did not mention anything about supplements to help, which is frustrating, but she offered that the additional meds I am on also contribute to the issue.  Apparently, in a normal pregnancy, constipation is common because when our bodies create more progesterone, it relaxes our intestinal muscles.  With the extra progesterone, it only exacerbates the problem.  

I am trying really hard to keep my yelling and lack of patience at bay when it comes to being constipated.  Not pooping truly effects everything about my daily life and I am not a fun person to be around.  The deed that used to take 1-2 minutes is now a painful, 20 minute exercise and it is just awful.  Once I go, it is amazing how much better I feel, almost immediately!

Only a few more days of meds - the end is in sight!  Until then, I am discontinuing my own iron supplement in hopes that will help and of course heeding the advice of additional fiber/juices/water.

And, like the title says it, poops are holy around here these days!!

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