Thursday, November 21, 2019

a hurdle tackled

When I thought the news about the VCU finances was the best news ever, little did I know that even better information would be received today. Because I am so persistent, I reached out to SGF to ask if Dr. Nair had the opportunity to review the HSG yet. 

Note, I am off work today so I came back to my phone after shampooing carpets to see that I had missed a call from Bethany and an amazing text! We finally got word from Shady Grove that regardless of my HSG test and the state of my fallopian tubes I am still a candidate for the shared risk program. There really couldn't be better news right now! Of course, the waiting was the worst. The not knowing. Questioning everything. Goodness - I have got to get better at that and just have more faith! 

That said, we are not out of the woods. There are still many other tests we must have in order to be ultimately determined a viable candidate for that program. That’s okay! One step at a time.
I had absolutely no idea that this news would bring me such joy and such emotion. I have called a few people who are aware of this just to inform them and let them know we are still in the game. The race continues and I continue to move forward with persistence and perseverance (I know Dr. Nair's clinical coordinator is so sick of me). 
Something else that was really awesome was that Dr. Nair's clinical coordinator asked me if I wanted to continue to get more testing done or if I wanted to lose more weight first. Just so you understand, I was told previously that no testing could be done until I was at or below 200 pounds and that the transfer cannot take place until 190 pounds. At my weigh in yesterday I am at 214. The fact that they are offering the option of doing some testing prior to the weight loss parameters I was given back in September is another huge win! 

Maybe it is possible that they would be willing to do the transfer before 190 pounds? We aren't going to broach that subject yet, but keep the game plan going strong. Everything remains to be seen and that is okay. At least I have to keep telling myself that because I’m in for the long-haul and no decision will be made in the immediate future. Dr. Nair did ask that I get my IUD removed and from there we will learn more about when the next testing can be done. I have scheduled an appointment with my OB/GYN for this coming Monday to get my IUD removed. We are on the right track and we will get this done!

What a wonderful day - many house things were accomplished, I walked a nature trail at home (West Point) that I literally have probably not stepped foot on in 25 years, I took my grandfather to lunch, had a great conversation about an event I helped with last week, and ended the day with my sweet Ms. Clare. Life doesn't get much better, but I know it will. As the bracelet says, we will "keep fucking going."