Monday, November 25, 2019

the ugly

So, this "journal" is about keeping it real, right?  That means the good, the bad, and the ugly.  I try to stay so very positive throughout everything but today was difficult.  In a good way.  Just beware, there is some TMI in here, so read at your own risk. ;)

I had prepped everything to a T for today's IUD removal.  I was going to take four motrin and half a xanax before I went in.  I got everything taken care of for work and was headed to the post office before my appointment.  I quickly remembered I didn't take the medicine and of course do not keep my xanax with me.  Whatever, I will get through it.  I did pop the four motrin.  In line at the post office, Jacob texted to say his school was on lock down for an active shooter (thank God that there was no shooter, but they had to treat it as such because it was called in to the police).  So, before even getting to my appointment, my nerves were shot.

Parking.  Ugh, parking at VCU is the worst, but I knew that before going in.  It took me 15 minutes just to get through the deck to find an open spot!  So, I literally walked into the clinic with 1 minute to spare and paperwork to do.  Dr. C's nurse was as sweet as she could be.  I had had my prior IUD removed, so it wasn't going to be a big deal, I'm a big girl!

Dr. C is the sweetest ever, I mean, I wish I could be her friend.  When she saw me she lit up like I had never seen.  She was so proud of my weight loss and is so invested in this journey with us!  Time for the procedure.  Of course, there will be pressure and cramping.  I took the deep breaths like she asked.  It hurt like hell, she was tugging, but to no avail.  She said she was taking a break, so I tried to relax for a second.  She asked the nurse for another tool.  Same story here, same result.  Lots of heavy breathing (or really none at all) until she asked the nurse for something else.  I quickly said is this a break?  Can I relax for a minute?  She laughed and apologized. 

We keep going with the new tool.  It hurts like hell and the damn thing is not budging.  Another tool we try.  Another attempt failed.  Shit, stop, oh, wait, shit, real shit.  I kind of jokingly said Dr. C, if I poot on you I am really sorry.  In my mind, I thought I was going to shit all over her, but didn't have the gumption to say that.  I think at that point she realized I didn't know if I could handle much more and said yes, the cramps are not just in the normal spots, but also in my bowels.  Of course if I poot that is fine and she giggled.  Yeah, well, there may be some substance lady and you are not in your scrubs today! 

So, she took a moments break and asked for another tool.  She said she was going to have to dilate my cervix a little bit to get it done.  Man oh man, that hurt worse.  Would the xanax have made me feel better, YES, I am such an idiot to have forgotten it.  So, she starts dilating and it hurts like a bitch.  She gets another tool and finally, finally, that little damn peice of plastic made its exit.  Shew, I could breath again.  We all laughed a little.  I thanked God I didn't shit all over the place.  Dr. C and I hugged and we went on our way.

I know in my heart there will be a lot more physical pain to endure, but I am up for that challenge.  Everything is going to be just fine!  I am glad I got a before picture, y'all.  The after was not as glamorous!  So, I am not sure exactly who this person is, but I am getting to know her, love her, and cherish her. 

"I think that pain gives us appreciation of joy - it's a package deal.  And I definitely think that the joys of life far outweigh the pain." ~ Frederick Lenz

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