Monday, November 18, 2019


I feel like I could write about joy and contentment forever.  That said, I started writing a book earlier this year on kind leadership.  Well, that has taken a step back for this blog and this journey, but I did want to reflect on some of what I had already written.  Funny enough, an excerpt was even taken from an "autobiography" I wrote back in high school:

As a tenth grader, I understood the meaning of life, but didn’t get who has the ability to choose what really matters:
Above all things that I wish and hope for, I just want my life to be a success…I want to be happy in everything I do.  I want my life to be pleasurable which is something that I value also.  In whatever I may do, I just ask the Lord for happiness.        
One of the biggest controls we have on our own is the power to make decisions.  Our choices influence everything about us.  I learned long ago that my own personal contentment is a decision within.  Struggling with anxiety and depression for most of my adult life, I determined several years ago that my own happiness lies with my personal choice to be happy.  Of course, medicine can and has helped, but the mental struggles are much easier approached when I make the conscious effort to overcome regardless of what life throws my way.
Another thing that has truly changed my life for the better is working to be more mindful in everything I do.  It helps me stay calm when I want to scream and yell.  It helps me remember that the small things don't always matter.  Being mindful helps me to put things in perspective.  It helps me take a step back and think about the big picture, not always the bumps along the way.  It helps me create better and more meaningful relationships.  It helps me see the beauty around me even though I always seem to be in a rush. 

I have such a long way to go, but I have come pretty far over the last year or so.  For that, I am thankful.  Most importantly, I am happy. 


  1. I am so glad you are able to access happiness... Good for you...

    1. Thanks, Steve. I know it sounds crazy and cliche really, but this is something I have never experienced to its fullest and I am so grateful!
