Wednesday, November 13, 2019

first of many

Today is my first test that will determine if I can go to the next step.  Later today, I go to VCU to have a HSG (Hysterosalpingography).  In preparing a little, I have learned that the HSG test is one in which a tube is threaded through the cervix and contrast injected.  Then, a series of xrays are taken to outline the internal shape of the uterus and show whether or not the fallopian tubes are blocked.  This will also show if there is any scar tissue (from my previous two cesareans) that could prevent me from being a carrier.  As easy as it seems, it is complicated in that it can only be scheduled in a certain window after one's monthly cycle.  And, actually, I learned that I can take the test with the IUD in place.  That was a win for me.

I have been told that I should show up with 800mg of motrin in my system.  I think I may take a half of my anxiety pill, too, just in case.  The insertion and removal of the prior IUDs were no walk in the park so I can't imagine this will be either.  Regardless of the pain that may ensue and a little bit of nervous energy, I am really excited to get this part done and be told that my internal parts are perfect for a gestational carrier!


  1. Hope it goes well for you today...

    1. Thank you, Steve. It went great! Looking forward to hearing some news from the MDs.
