Tuesday, May 18, 2021


...by a thread.

We are doing the best we can right now.  Jacob has been at home with the children.  I am trying my best to work a 50% load.  Somedays I am doing more, some less.  We are schooling Gregory at home - his teacher dropped off all of his school work yesterday afternoon.  Of course, this means that Meade is doing school work, too.  Finding things to keep her engaged and at her level has been interesting - I am not a teacher (nor a stay at home mom) for a reason!

Gregory's school nurse called late last night.  I told her that I am isolated from the kids (as if that is ever a viable option as a mother).  In that case, though, Gregory can return to school June 1st.  What?!?  That's two weeks away.  Because of Memorial Day of course.  That is a week longer than I was expecting - ugh.  Hopefully we will figure out a good routine moving forward.

We don't know how long Jacob will be home - I thought they would have called today, but still nothing.  It's a win for us, though.  I know he's exhausted.  It takes all the energy I have to keep some of my calls on the calendar and then lie down because I am just so tired and/or feel like poop.  It is minute by minute around here.  On top of that, we are still figuring out the house stuff.  More showings starting tomorrow (that is when the VDH said that I would be okay to go out in public again).  This means that we have to have the house ready go show in a pinch - not easy with dirty children!

Dr. C's nurse did reach out yesterday and because of the COVID timeline, they will not change my appointment for the 27th.  This is good news!  I am in week 15 and while I was sure I could feel some movement at 13 weeks, I haven't felt anything in several days.  I'm thinking that I haven't had the wherewithal to notice, honestly.  I even grabbed a doppler from my friend.  I tried twice to find the heartbeat and gave up.  Frankly, I couldn't find mine either, so I am not at all concerned.

Please pray this baby makes it through the virus unscathed.  Please pray for Jacob, that he finds utmost patience in dealing with all of us and especially the children at home.  Please pray for Meade and Gregory, they don't really understand why they can't go anywhere and why they have to do so much schoolwork at home!  And, please, pray for my health.  If that improves, I think all on the peripheral will as well.

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