Monday, May 31, 2021

walking for the brain

This holiday weekend has been nice.  I am feeling okay.  Some days better than others, but it just seems to be the way it is right now.  I was able to go down to my parents with Gregory Thursday and we stayed until yesterday morning.  We were planning to come home Saturday but it poured rain all day and I wasn't thrilled about driving back in that weather.  We missed Jacob so we got home yesterday.  Thankfully, today the sun is out and the kids are playing outside after being cooped up for way too long!

The biggest thing to note is that I made it a priority to get outside and get a little exercise.  My walking buddy and dear friend met me this morning and we went for a short walk - about 1.25 miles.  It was difficult, but it felt like my brain needed it more than my body.  I was absolutely exhausted when I got back and took a long nap on the couch.  However, I woke up feeling pretty good and without a headache.  Tomorrow morning, I am going head out early as I used to to start the day off with a walk.  Even though it is a little hard to breath, it feels like it should be when exercising so it isn't as frightening as it is with normal mundane tasks that really require very little effort.

I am so thankful for my friend, Kristi.  I was really nervous to hit the pavement and probably never would have on my own.  She is one of my biggest supporters through all of this and I so appreciate her willingness to stick by me even when I have been non-existent for the past several weeks.

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