Sunday, May 9, 2021

mother's day

Mother's Day has a whole new meaning for me these days.  I realize that there are so many mothers, or those desiring to be mothers that find this day to be a huge heartache.  That is not fair.  Yeah, life isn't fair - I know.  I wish I could take away all of that pain.  While I am working to relieve this hurt for Bethany, I wish I could do more.  

When I first offered to this opportunity to Bethany, she was very transparent and allowed me to read an essay she had written about Mother's Day.  It pulled at every heart string I had.  I had seen people struggle with infertility or pregnancy loss, but it never hit home.  This beautiful, yet awfully eye-opening read was something that hit me like a ton of bricks.  How could I be so naïve to not even try to understand what others go through in this regard?  Through this journey, I have shared in the heartache these wishful parents experience and this Mother's Day is so very beautiful because of the baby I am carrying, but also very blue because of all of the friends I have made that continue to struggle.

I'm not sure if it is the craziness of the pregnancy, the poignancy of the day, or what, but I am beat.  My parents came here for an early lunch and I fell asleep right after eating.  I could barely function.  Plus, Jacob and I were arguing, which never makes it easy.  (Hey, there isn't a normal married couple that doesn't have their tiffs!)  I felt awful when my parents left when I was asleep but they tried to make me feel okay and asked me to get more rest.  

Happy Mother's Day to all of those out there that are able to share in the celebrations of the day.  I wish those that want to celebrate the day peace and comfort as they navigate the unfortunate reminders of this day.  

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