Thursday, March 25, 2021

is this it?

Y'all, I am feeling so great that I am terrified something is wrong.  I wrote Kim this morning just to see what she thought.  Here's what I said:

So I am super nervous this morning.  I feel GREAT!  Like, better than I have felt in weeks!  I am so worried that the embryo is no longer thriving.  Tell me that these things can come in waves and I just need to calm down and revel in the fact that I am feeling good?   

Is there anything to read into or be concerned about?  How often does it happen that one gets a HB at the 6.5 weeks and then it ceases to exist at 8.5?

Kim called me to take me off the ledge.  She said that this means absolutely nothing and that my symptoms will ebb and flow throughout and I cannot read into them.  She was sure to mention that while she didn't know the statistics, it can definitely happen that a heartbeat is detected at 6.5 weeks and then no longer after that.  I get it.  When miscarriages happen, at some point, the heartbeat is just not there.  

I have to take what Kim says to heart and just believe that everything is okay and the fact that I am feeling good is that this pregnancy is different - as it should be.  This is about a greater purpose for my life, one that is changing who I am as a person.  One that is helping me to be content with all I have and find the joy in the little things.  I feel like maybe this perspective is helping a ton, but it doesn't mean I still don't worry.  

For now, I will revel in these good days and be thankful for them!

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