Tuesday, March 16, 2021

we got the beat

We got it!  Baby, we got it!  The appointment today went great.  While we were in there with Dr. Edlestien and the ultrasound tech, Maggie (she is super sweet), I got nervous.  It seemed like she looked for two minutes before she found anything.  Finally, I asked if there was nothing there and if it typically takes this much time to find the sac/baby.  Then, there it was.  The little shadow in my uterus with what looked like two white balls - imagine a snowman without the middle part - just the head and the bottom.  Within the head, there is the barely visible flutter - the heartbeat.  Praise God.  My goodness, as I write this that is all I can think - Thank God!

I think we were all surprised to see it and we will now celebrate, knowing that anything negative could happen at any time.  

I am over the moon, but also so very tired.  What I am learning through each appointment is that the anticipation of the next appointment and results is utterly exhausting.  Even when we get the good news, it is almost difficult to celebrate and process everything because mentally I can barely function.  

Kim called and said that my fatigue is probably the most important symptom of a viable pregnancy.  That said, she said to continue my medications until April 9th (there is an end in sight!) and schedule an additional ultrasound for 8.5 weeks, two weeks from today.  For your pleasure, see this beauty!

I am so thankful for each of your constant prayers and support.  Please keep the prayers coming, we've got a long way to go!

1 comment:

  1. Aghhhh love this post. "We got the beat" will always and forever have a new meaning :)
