Sunday, November 15, 2020

a family affair

Some people look at my funny when I say that Jacob did not come with me this weekend.  Instead, my parents came along - actually, they took me.  The fact that my parents are my biggest supporters is one of the most important parts of this journey for me.  When I first approached them well over a year ago with my desire to do this, they were extremely hesitant and were worried about my health.  I have always been a giver, so they didn't question that, but never thought that I would do something like this.  We have talked many times over the last year about this journey and my devotion to my own health, the legal agreement language regarding my health, and Bethany and Phillip's continued focus to my health as well.  

I grabbed a diet coke at the local convenience store on the way out Friday and the person working commented on my appearance - I usually show up in my work out clothes, after a 5 mile walk.  Well, today was very different as I had showered and was wearing normal clothes!  The person there asked where I was headed and I told them.  She asked if I was going by myself and I said no, my parents were taking me!  He looked at me kind of funny, but I was super pleased with this answer and said that I may be 37 years old, but I will take all the help I can get.

Frankly, if Jacob really wanted to go, he would have and my parents would have stayed with the kids.  Jacob is kind of over all of this and took the day off to relax a little, get the kids to and from school and then have some time alone.  He also wasn't too keen on going up to Baltimore to see some of my mom's cousins since COVID really is strengthening everywhere.  All of this is to say that my parents and I still wanted to see our Fogarty family and decided to make the trip together.  

Friday afternoon, we made it to Mary Pat's house and had a chill evening.  I even laid down when we got there.  I just needed some downtime.  My mind was exhausted from the day.  It wasn't that stressful, but just a lot going on.  When I got up, Mom and I went for a little, slow walk around the neighborhood.  We had supper, threw some dice, and then went to bed at a pretty normal time (which is early).  Saturday morning, there was much anticipation as we were hoping to visit my 96 year old great aunt outside of her independent living facility.  Daddy and I were getting antsy so I said I needed to do something - I didn't care what, but just something.  He looked up casinos on his phone and we were all in!  We left to go to the casino and let them know we would be back by 1 to visit Aunt Charlotte.  I borrowed $100 cash from Dad, gave him the $100 back and left with $80 in my pocket - can't ask for much more than that!

We had the nicest visit, albeit with masks on, with Aunt Charlotte.  This lady is one of the sweetest, most put together ladies I have ever known. She and my maternal grandmother are sisters.  I love spending time with her and hadn't seen in her a few years.  Even though it was only about a 30 minute visit, I am so thankful to have had that time together.  

We headed back to Mary Pat's house so that her four sisters could come over, hang out, have supper, and catch up.  Again, it was the most lovely time.  I think we were all a little nervous about COVID, but we managed to still have a wonderful visit!

I miss the children and Jacob and am ready to get home, but I will cherish the time away for years to come, remembering what initiated this trip - the beginning of the next steps on this journey!  

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