Tuesday, November 17, 2020

nothing new

We are 4dp5dt.  Any idea what that means?  I didn't either until I entered this world of IVF.  That suggests we are four days post a blastocyst that is aged five days and transferred.  So on the fourth day after transfer of an embryo that grew for five days before insertion.  

I am feeling no different.  This is great because I feel good!  However, I do know that during normal pregnancies I feel pretty awful.  I can't remember when I felt so yucky before or when my boobs started to get really tender.  The tenderness of my boobs has always been the first sign.  Another clear sign, that I never experienced before the miscarriage last time are tender milk ducts in my arm pits.  Very strange, but it has been indicative of a pregnancy for my two children.

I connected with Bethany briefly yesterday.  She and I are not texting several times a day like we did before.  On my end, and I think on hers, too, it is somewhat of a relief.  We both trust eachother enough to know that everything is fine and if it isn't we will make it known.  On the other hand, I think that we are both guarding ourselves a little more this time around.  I think that is healthy.  Before, we got that positive test, but then several weeks later were devastated.  Who knows what will happen this time around.  Even if we get that heartbeat, it truly is a day by day thing because miscarriages happen throughout the forty weeks of gestation.  Of course, they are much less likely in the second half of pregnancy but it doesn't mean it cannot happen.

The good news is that we are on the same page.  We will get our bloodwork results next Wednesday and go from there.  I actually like it better this time around.  I know Bethany is there if I need her, but I am not hyper focused on this all day every day.  I am going on with my life as I normally would be and it is good not to have my mind so wrapped up in the journey and all the what ifs that come along with it.  I will still try to continue to update here as we go as I know there is so much support near and far for each of us!

And, if you're wondering, based upon a calculator from Princeton, should this transfer work, we are looking at a due date in early August.  Bring it on!

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