Friday, November 13, 2020

it's go time!

We got to Rockville more than an hour before we needed to be.  We stopped at Krispy Kreme and I grabbed a Diet Coke.  I called Kim just to see if she had any news on the embryo thaw.  I left her a message but told her that she didn't need to call me back.  I was just getting antsy!  I told Bethany and Phillip that I would be there super early if they wanted to get there and catch up beforehand.  I had forgotten that since the transfer was in the afternoon, Bethany had switched some of her clients to the morning.  

Mom, Dad and I just hung out.  I read, looked at my phone, just killed time.  I asked if we could go park at the SGF building at 1115 because I needed to go potty at that time to empty my bladder than then start drinking the sixteen ounces of water prior to the transfer.  We waited in the truck until Bethany and Phillip arrived and were able to talk for about 5 minutes and take a couple of pictures before I went upstairs to check in.  

As I checked in, I asked if I could meet Linda, the nurse manager.  I had brought cookies for her and her team as well as some for Dr. Nair.  As I waited in the beautiful waiting area, another sweet lady was very emotional.  We chatted a bit.  This was also her second transfer.  She was from London and it took quite a few days to travel here for the transfer - the previous transfer was done in England.  She and her husband have not been able to have children and this is another try for them.  I am not sure why she came this far, but she and I wished each other success before I was called back.  Her appointment was 15 minutes after mine.

The same lady that called me back in July did so again today.  She runs a tight ship back there getting women ready for transfers!  I had no idea how nervous I was.  I was saying the wrong things, I dropped my drivers license, instead of asking again for Linda, I asked for Gail (I was a mess to say the least).  She took me to my room and didn't tell me to do anything so I wanted to be prepared so got undressed from the waist down only be told that she didn't want me undressed yet - oops.  No worries, she said.  All of a sudden, Gail knocked on the door and I felt so stupid.  Even though Gail had helped me over the phone at some point, I really wanted to meet Linda.  Gail said she would take the cookies down to the team.

I was surprised with another knock at the door that wasn't Dr. Nair just yet.  It was Linda.  She had tears in her eyes and offered me a hug from a distance.  She said that the note and cookies were a testament to why she does what she does everyday.  It was so nice to see her in person and I am glad that I took thirty seconds to recognize Linda and her team.

Not long after, Dr. Nair came in.  The first thing she said was "I am not supposed to hug, but..." and we had an emotional embrace.  She told me how sorry she was about last time - all water under the bridge.  I tried to help her realize that everything was okay and we are very excited for this next big step.  

We got Bethany and Phillip (and my parents) on FaceTime.  The first thing was to be told that the first embryo thawed was healthy and would be transferred!  Woohoo!  They still have another embryo frozen if it is needed.  I signed that paper and the embryologist was called in to bring the embryo in the catheter.  

Dr. Nair placed the catheter, the tech had the external ultrasound going, and everyone was still watching.  Dr. Nair pushed through a little bit of saline.  I never felt anything other than the speculum insertion.  Really, people have no idea how easy the procedure really is.  Once the embryologist showed up with the embryo, Dr. Nair told us that she wasn't getting a very clear picture so we may not be able to see the transfer as well as we did last time.  I didn't care.  I didn't really feel like I could see it that well before.  Little did I know how cool this was going to be.  

I switched the facetime so that B/P, Mom and Dad could see the ultrasound screen where the catheter was identified.  Dr. Nair said we would hopefully see something shoot out in a few seconds.  It was so crazy and clear.  I didn't notice it at all last time.  I couldn't wait for it all to be over so that I could get a video of it to share.  Dr. Nair then called the embryologist to take back the catheter and ensure that the embryo no longer remained.  Success!

Only time will tell from here!

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