Sunday, November 8, 2020

anniversary shot

Not the shots that I used to celebrate with, but I did take my first progesterone to the bum this morning.  Today is also Phillip and Bethany's 6th wedding anniversary.  I joked that I took a shot to the bottom to celebrate them.  Six years ago, Jacob and I decided not to go to their wedding because I was newly pregnant with Gregory and feeling like hell.  We had not yet shared this news with anyone so it made sense to stay at home, keeping my misery away from their special day.  

Here's to 12 more weeks of this shot that I will gladly take with hope and gratitude! 

1 comment:

  1. Finally catching up on your blog after missing a few weeks. Thinking of you tonight and will continue to do so tomorrow. Wishing you the very best of luck~

    Barbara xoxoxo
