Sunday, February 20, 2022

nicer weather

This beautiful weather every afternoon calls for lots of time outside!  We have definitely missed that.  One day after school, we met our neighbor and her grandchildren at the church to play on the playground and fly kites.  It was really neat to see the kids experience the kites.  I don't think I have ever flown a kite with any accuracy in the past.  They did great!  

We have also been spending a lot of time in the yard cleaning things up for the party in a couple of weeks.  Tons of sticks gathered, millions of leaves and gum balls raked (even though you wouldn't realize that a couple of days in), the garage cleaned up, etc.  I have been getting the kids to help and they have done a good job - anything to keep them outside!  Jacob got most of the leaves up and all of the flower beds cleaned out, too.  

Yesterday, Meade and I had a girls' day.  We picked up Ms. Anne from Westminster Canterbury and met Adrienne for lunch.  Anne is 97!  She adores Meade.  We went to Panera (the only place that Anne is comfortable).  Definitely not my favorite, but it was fine.  We all had a blast chatting and hanging out with one another.  

It also turned out to be a huge teachable moment for Meade.  There was a gentleman sitting behind us that was obviously homeless.  The poor man, Ken, smelled so bad.  It was difficult to eat.  Meade offered him the rest of her pizza which he ate in no time.  We went further to give him a bag of cookies we brought for Adrienne, but she wanted to just split the other bag with Anne.  I had two apples in my bag that I tried to give him as well, but he wouldn't accept.  I felt so awful for him.  Meade asked why his fingernails were so dirty and he didn't respond.  It is hard for children to understand why people don't have homes, food to eat, shoes that fit, clean clothes, etc.  I hope it resonates with her how good we truly have it and that if we can help someone else we always need to do that.

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