Friday, February 18, 2022

what if?

I finally sat down and got my plane tickets and rental car for California in April.  I am beyond excited but also very terrified.  I tried putting some of my thoughts down on paper...

What if the plane goes down?  What if I start to figure out who I am?  What if I change?  What if people don't like me anymore?  What if I learn what I need to to make the most impact in my life?  What if I realize what I am supposed to do:  in motherhood, in marriage, in family, in faith?  What if I figure out my purpose in this life and what I enjoy most?  What if the plane goes down?  What if I find my most true self that brings inner peace to me and allows me to be the best I can for those I love?  What if the plane goes down?  If the plane goes down, I hope that I will have inspired someone with hope, love, and the willingness to be kind for no reason at all?  If that is true, it is okay if the plane goes down.  Yet, that is highly unlikely and I'm on my way to more healing and more intention in my future.

There's that.  I could say what if all day long.  But the opportunities are limitless and I should never let fear drive me.

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