Tuesday, September 28, 2021

subsequent failures

I must say that while everything with the pregnancy is going pretty well, I am finding myself struggling as a parent.  I feel that this process is taking a toll on the entire family.  While I have written about Jacob, the kids are acting out and being little jerks more and more often these days.  There is never an excuse for them to be assholes, but I know that the environment I am creating, by being fatigued, uncomfortable, and cranky, is not helping the situation at all.

For instance, Meade is "forgetting" to go to the bathroom.  Instead, she would rather pee in her pants and stink all day.  It makes no sense to me.  I think we have gotten to the point that she isn't doing it at school - if she does she is sure to tell me that "the teachers didn't saw it," which obviously makes it okay.  That, or she uses the potty all day, as she should, and then proceeds to pee in her pants on the two minute drive home from school.  It makes no sense to me.  Jacob and I have tried to bribe her with special treats, but it isn't really working.  

Gregory is becoming extremely bossy when it comes to Meade.  Sometimes he is truly doing it to help, other times he is doing it to be a pain to Meade.  Either way, it starts unnecessary fights and then I end up yelling at both of them - because he needs to mind his business and she needs to do what I had already told her to do and he was repeating.  Gregory's favorite come backs now are "I don't care" and "it doesn't matter."  It takes all I have not to go off when he says these things.  In addition, he is not listening to his coaches at soccer or at ninja monkeys.  I am about to take those items away if he doesn't get his act together.  It is so embarrassing witnessing this with others - I'd much rather it only be an issue with me and Jacob.

I know I am not failing but boy are these children making it tough for me to be successful as a mom.  I keep saying this is an age, stage, or phase and this too shall pass.  I do think that a lot of it has to do with everything going on and I hope that once we deliver this baby, things will settle down, I can devote more time to the children, and behavior gets better.  It is pretty sad that I am afraid to open the app that Meade's teacher uses in fear of a bad day note or Gregory's folder when he gets home for the same purpose.

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