Wednesday, September 1, 2021

70 miles!

I can't remember the last time I logged 70 walked miles in one month - it was definitely early last spring, I believe.  For some reason, I noticed that I was at about 60 miles with a few days left in the month so I set my own goal to make it to 70.  I did it!  As much as I hate getting up in the morning these days to beat the street, it is so important.  I feel better afterwards and sleep tends to be a little bit better that night.  Plus, when the alarm goes off and I ignore it, I never get back to sleep so what is the point in laying there for an extra hour when it isn't restful.  A huge thanks goes out to my morning walking buddy - Kristi.  You won't find many others that are willing to put on a light up vest at meet you before 5am to get some exercising done.  Plus, she never cares if I have to slow down or even stop because of who knows what!

I am struggling at work, which isn't helping.  I really like the people I work with but everyone is so inundated, I am not being provided the materials and information I need to hit the ground running.  I remember the days of training others and know how daunting it is, but if my team was able to give me a few more minutes each day for guidance, I can take so much off of their plates sooner.  I chalk it up to "growing pains," which is exactly what it is.  It's not easy, but I will get there.

This my friends, is life.  It gets tough, but I have to keep in mind how good it really is.  The best part is that I have a little life inside of me that we will all get to meet soon enough.  When all is said and done here, I'll still have the difficult times.  If I didn't I'd be stagnant and that will never be worth it.  

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