Monday, January 24, 2022

renewed focus

Today has been about trying to get back to normal.  

Yesterday, we got home in the morning - the drive back went fine.  We were all exhausted so took it easy.  I refused to go to the grocery store and do much at all.  Football was on the TV and it was nice and relaxing!  

I started work this morning and while still a little foggy, I made a vow to myself to start to focus on me a little more.  I can't be good for anyone else if I am not good for myself.  I gained several pounds this weekend - tipping the scales at 245 last night.  I have to get my eating under control, a new exercise routine down, boundaries with the children, and my head back into work.  I can do it!  This weekend feels like it was a new start in healing.  As I told Adrienne, the entire weekend felt like it put a stitch into my healing heart, which I am so thankful for.

I am still pretty insecure.  I had texted Adrienne Saturday night and again last night and hadn't heard anything.  We kept in touch well over the weekend.  I was so worried she was upset with us.  What had we broken?  What did we not clean?  Are they second guessing themselves to allow us to use their home? 

I took a moment to call her and I am so thankful I did.  Bill actually went up last night and said that the house had never been more clean.  Was so impressed that everything was perfect.  Even went on to say that we could come and stay anytime.  Of course, I am not taking advantage of it, but it was so nice to hear that they were pleased.  What Adrienne reiterated several times was that they were so happy that we found a little peace and comfort in our time together at their home.  What a blessing.

As I get ready for bed, I am exhausted.  I haven't done much physically at all, but mentally, I am tired.  I can't wait to get back into the swing of things at work.  This will help me feel more secure, too.  All is well.

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