Monday, January 10, 2022


I don't think I have ever been so excited to send the children back to school.  Winter break is enough in itself.  An extra week is misery.  Plus snow, I am done.  I went for a 3 mile walk and then decided to start tackling items on the to do list.  Errands, organizing, everything that I haven't done for the last few weeks with children screaming for me at all waking hours.  I had finally gotten enough done to feel accomplished and thought I would take a bath.  Not five minutes in, the school called.

Well, fuck.  I didn't answer.  Maybe they will call Jacob instead?  I am in the bathtub for goodness sake.  It took every ounce in me to start washing up to get dressed and likely head to the school.  Of course.  Meade was complaining when she was peeing and was peeing quite often.  The nurse thought that maybe she has a UTI.  Little did she know that Meade has some extreme chaffing down there since she had so many accidents this weekend.  I have no idea what it is, but sporadically, she will pee in her pants several times a day for days on end.  It makes no sense.  When she has to go, it is always urgent.

I got to school 16 minutes after that call came in while I was in the bathtub.  Ugh.  I got an appointment and told Jacob he had to take her.  Once, my frustrating subsided, I realized that I should take her.  Jacob's championship game is tonight and it made more sense for me to ask questions rather than get pissed off at Jacob for him not asking the right things. 

The initial urine analysis came back fine.  They are sending it off for a culture and if that also comes back negative, we will consult a urologist.

Maybe tomorrow I can have a full school day to myself?  I sure hope so!  

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