Saturday, July 18, 2020

an early monday

As I heard from the nurse this afternoon, they were able to honor my request to have an appointment as early as possible!  8 am transfer it is!  I have to be there at 730 with a full bladder.  Knowing this, Mom and I will probably leave around 4 or so just to give us enough time to factor in the unknowns.  Let's get real, we aren't going to get much sleep the night before anyway!

Although I had told my mom that she couldn't go into the appointment with me, she thought that meant that she couldn't go in the room during the procedure, not that she couldn't be in the waiting room at all.  Knowing that, mom get really frustrated.  I think she had done so well with COVID crap and this was just the straw that broke the camels back.  I tried to reiterate over and over that I could go on my own that I would be fine, but no, she was determined to go, even if she had to sit in a hot car for 1.5 hours.  In her defense, people get arrested for having animals in the hot car, why should she have to be stuck in one - good point.  We will see what happens over night and maybe she will decide she can just stay at home, which won't hurt my feelings at all.

In other news, my friend, Kristi, and I came down to my parents house for the night sans kids!  Woohoo!  I needed this.  We fished all day and it was pure bliss, whether we were catching or not!  I am so thankful for Jacob for being okay to letting me have a night away.  Not only is he okay with it, but he has gone out of his way to do things with the kids, which is huge.

Lastly, my progesterone shot was easy peasy this evening!  Here's a little video if you're interested!

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