Thursday, July 23, 2020

little to tell

In the IVF world, I am 3 DPT (days post transfer).  I am learning a lot of new lingo these days.  I basically feel the same.  I still am not sleeping well at night, but that has been par for the course over the last week or so.  As of this morning, I resumed my normal 5 mile walk in the morning.  Monday, I didn't walk - we were on the road, of course.  Tuesday and yesterday it was important for me to abide by the "light activity" as suggested by the SGF team.  Instead of the normal, I went on a slow, two mile walk.  It was something!  It was so nice to get back out there and return to my morning routine.  Bethany was worried that I do it so quickly, but when I let her know I already confirmed with our nurse and that they ask for light activity for 2-3 days.  Technically, going for the walk was about 2 days and 20 hours.  Bethany then was fine with it!

As far as other changes, there is only one to report.  And, if you don't like TMI, stop reading.  My nipples seem to be much firmer than normal and extremely tender.  I remember that from previous pregnancies, but never so quickly - I probably just didn't notice because it wasn't on the radar.  Good sign, however.  Of course, it could be the multitude of different hormones I continue to take, but I am not sure.  I will take it as a good sign!

There were a couple of other early indicators for me during the last two pregnancies.  First, I had tender lumps in both of my arm pits.  I learned much later that those were my milk ducts developing.  Who knew?  Not me!  Also, I have not yet developed a diversion to grilled/baked chicken.  I eat so much chicken but can only stomach fried chicken (real healthy, huh?) while pregnant.  I have only eaten chicken once since transfer, but no issues!  Maybe this will happen in a few weeks!

All is well here and I continue to cross my fingers, toes, and pray hard!  

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