Friday, July 31, 2020


Today has been a crazy day!  Beyond my crazy morning, I scheduled an eye appointment because I had a stupid mishap yesterday and my PCP said I needed to see an eye doctor.  While trying to figure a time to call the MD, work, and everything else, Shady Grove called!  It was only 1045am.  They usually don't call until after 2pm, typically 3-4.  Oh gosh!  As I was on a call for work, I told the person I was meeting with that I had an important call that I had to take but I would be back in two minutes.

Doris was on the other line.  She was filling in as Kim had the day off.  When I answered (as I always do), I said "Good Morning, this is Julia Meade."  Insert the confusion that ALWAYS happens - she was trying to reach a Julia Tulli.  Yes, my name is Julia Meade Tulli, it is a southern thing but I have a double first name.  If SGF would have established my chart as it was on the paperwork I filled out, I would not have to have this conversation over and over.  Okay, rant done.  When Doris realized it was me, I had to stop her in her tracks as she was calling to tell me some news.  I told her that Bethany and I wanted to hear everything together and that I was on a work call, asking if I could call her back with Bethany in 10 minutes.  She said that was fine.

I got off of my work call and tried to call Bethany immediately.  SHe wasn't able to answer but texted to say she was in her own therapy appointment.  I thought we may be able to get back in touch with Doris by 1050 or 1055 because most therapy sessions only last 50 minutes.  I texted Bethany back and let her know that we needed to call back together.  Within no time, she had called, with her therapist on speaker.  I called Doris back and merged the two.  It was then that Doris said "I have positive news - you are pregnant."  I think we all were dumbfounded and so happy and excited we didn't know what to do or say.  Bethany and I were definitely crying.  Finally Doris jumped in to tell us what the next steps were.  I needed to schedule more bloodwork for Monday morning and continue the medicine regimen I am currently on.  She also mentioned that my beta level came back at 352 - apparently anything over 25 is pregnant, but anything over 100 is ideal?

Bethany and I kept talking and crying, with her therapist on the line to take it all in and the two of us were introduced.  A couple of minutes later, poor Doris asked if we had any further questions (we forgot she was even on the line).  I don't know if I have more questions or not -give me a little bit of time to digest things and I bet I will have a million more questions.  But, for the time being, we were on a high that we didn't know which end was up.  Doris left the conversation and Bethany told me she was going to leave her therapy and call me back via FaceTime to tell Phillip.  

Immediately, the three of us were seeing each other.  I tried to hold it together until Bethany told Phillip.  Cue many more tears and smiles.  This happened two more times with both Phillip's and Bethany's parents on separate FaceTime calls.  We tried to so hard to FaceTime Christen but she was having issues with her phone.  Needless to say I was late for my next call at 11am.  I dropped that call when Christen was able to connect and while we still weren't able to do FaceTime, together we all cried as the good news was shared.  

I ended up sending a long text about my grandfather and his admission to the hospital and where to go from here with details to my family in a group text.  Then, as nonchalant as I could be, I simply said "in other news...I am pregnant."  That was easier than doing anything else to be honest!  Too much going on while still trying to work, get in touch with the eye doctor, and just have a moment to take it all in!

The receptionist at the eye doctor told me there were no appointments available but she would call me if something came up.  Immediately after she took my insurance information an appointment just so happened to become available at 130pm at the Hanover office.  Shew!  This means our drive down to my parents would be delayed, but better to get that taken care of sooner rather than later.  Through it all, I still had no idea what was going on, how to react, and how to get more work done, but I tried.  

I showed up at my appointment, book in hand, having no idea how long it would take.  Little did I know that they would dilate my eyes.  I immediately had a huge headache and felt like I was going to get ill.  I went to the restroom twice but never got sick as I waited to be called back again to see the MD.  There was no reading.  There was no sharing news via my phone or reading texts coming in because I couldn't see anything.  Having a mask on my face was making it considerably worse as my face was sweating.  I guess I should be thankful that I have never had my eyes dilated before, but man, that was the pits!

Finally, after the doctor explained the huge scratch in my eye and the need for antibiotic ointment for the next week, I was good to go.  I don't know if I was nauseous from the eye crap, the baby stuff, or what, but I felt like hell.  Jacob and I got on the road to go down to my parents, at least to pick up the kids.  We decided to stay the night.  I called a few people that have been supporting me since day one and let them in on the positive news.  We are finally at my parents and I am completely exhausted and out of sorts.  The kids are in bed and I am hoping to go very soon, too.  

It has been an amazing whirlwind today.  And, while everything is positive, it is important to keep in mind that this pregnancy is still VERY early and nothing is guaranteed.  However, the first hurdle we have conquered!

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